
It´s Your Future, Captain! by Chris Wayfarer

Chris Wayfarer – It´s Your Future, Captain!

Listen & download here (click)

Corona, war in the Ukraine and in the Middle East, climate crisis. Plus the resurgence of the right-wing extremism. The longing for a calm, peaceful future is suggestable. An utopia where violent, polarizing and unobjective disputes belong to the past, where the interests of all are heard and where heroes advocate for a world in harmony.

Musically inspired by the soundtrack of the serie „Captain Future“ Chris Wayfarer’s wish manifests in a melodic house track: Pads and chords hover over an arpeggio, complemented by a piano riff and decent used celestas. Silky-sounding leads emphasize the title and get the relaxed, groovy sound structure shining.Still, the track is not only meant to reach the feelers towards the future but also to provide an answer to a crucial question: Who will lead in the present to open the next chapters? Who will turn this utopia into reality? Quite simply: Each individual – “It’s Your Future, Captain!”

It´s Your Future, Captain! by Chris Wayfarer